Cheryl American’s touch of jazz, blues and gospel gives a whole new meaning to iconic songssuch as “E se domani” (a true masterpiece by author Carlo Alberto Rossi, greatly appreciated by the most influential American voices of the past, from Nat King Cole to Sarah Vaughan); her trademark opera voice will face the challenge of “Almeno tu nell’universo”, a song that is indissolubly characterized by Mia Martini’s voice.
She will surprise her audience with original arrangements of other very classic hits such as “Gli uomini non cambiano”, “Libera”, “Notturno”, “Grande Grande Grande”, “Se stasera sono qui”, “Se telefonando”, “Nessuno”, “Tintarella di luna”; they all will be presented with their original evocative strength and a new twist, in balance with the essence of the show: Cheryl’s tribute to Mia Martina and Mina, to women, their bravery and their way to love.